wizguru* ...tell your friends! policies.htm |
site - No cookies - No spyware - No adware - No trojans - No viruses -
No worms - No spam - No pop-ups We Respect Your Privacy - We do NOT Monitor Your Shopping nor Track You Online, nor Share Your Data -------------------------- *Please do NOT Phone Us. Email Us Instead. We are Inundated by Scam Phone Calls with Fake Caller ID #s. Put "Inquiry" in Subject Line |
ABQ Techzonics Organization Earthshaking Online Tech Superstore
We Seriously Consider all Reasonable Best
Offers, Price Negotiations, Trade Offers!
We are Your Perfect One-Stop-Shopping Superstore to Fill Your High-Tech Parts
or 10% CASH DISCOUNT - Stock Up Now! - Your Choice - No Additional S/H
For ALL Single, Combined, Multiple Orders (over
30 day period) over $100 total, upto 20% of Your Order
Applies to all electronic parts listed on all of our webpages up to the total
quantity we are selling
(For Free Electronic Parts, listed prices apply to your 20%,
and parts must be in the quantity increments we list them in)
(Limited Time Offer, we may change or discontinue this Special Offer without
prior notice or liability)
NOTE: Small and unmixed lots of ICs of all types
LINEAR / ANALOG big & mixed lots => This Page
CMOS big & mixed lots => CMOS ICS Lots
TTL big & mixed lots => TTL ICS Lots
Miscellaneous big & mixed lots => Miscellaneous
ICs Lots
Big Lots and Mixed Lots of Analog ICs (Linear ICs): Bipolar, CMOS, MOSFET, FET, Linear Opamps / Analog Opamps, Drivers, Buffers, Power ICs, Signal Generators, Interfaces, Buses, ADC ICs, DAC ICs, Analog Delay Lines, Converters, Detectors, RF, TV, Commo ICs, Transmitters, Receivers, Transceivers, Timers, Filters, Comparators, Phone ICs, Tone ICs, Displays, Optical Isolators, etc. Integrated Circuits.
SEE OUR SUPERSTORE webpages FOR: ELECTRONIC COMPONENTS / ELECTRICAL COMPONENTS: Integrated Circuits (ICs), Transistors, Diodes, Rectifiers, LEDs, Capacitors, Resistors, Potentiometers (Pots), Varistors, Inductors, Coils, Transformers, Speakers, Relays, Switches, Actuators, Fuses, Circuit Breakers, Crystals, Oscillators, Connectors, Headers, Sockets, Pins, Wires, Cables, Displays, Photo, Video, Laser, Power, other Electronic Parts / Electronic Components. EQUIPMENT: Electronic Test Equipment, Electrical Equipment, Computers, Peripherals, Electric Tools, Hand Tools, Tool Chests, Vehicles (Cars, Trucks, Bikes). MORE TECH STUFF: Scientific/Industrial Valves, Fittings, Personal Security, Survival (Survivalists / Preppers), Radionics, Crafts, Hobbies, Strange & Unusual, Religious & Spiritual, Collectibles - Hardware, Devices, Parts, Special Materials, Books, Manuals, Software
Links to all Offer Webpages => SITEMAP <= => ABQ TECHZONICS <= Homepage
P. O. Box 23097, Albuquerque, NM 87192
Contact: wizguru@consumertronics.net
Voice: 505-321-1034 (9-5 MST, M-F)
Please EMAIL US for all Orders, Inquiries and Questions
Copyright © 2008-2024, Consumertronics. All rights reserved
ITEM SEARCHES, EQUIVALENT ELECTRONIC PARTS: Please use top-right search box or your Browser Search / Find feature to locate the specific Items of interest or just browse webpage. We listed many electronic parts by more than one name and name variation (e.g. "LM555", "NE555", "NE 555"). There are many equivalent electronic parts - if you can't find your exact electronic parts, search for the part's function and functional variations, and by core electronic part # (e.g. "4541" for MC14541BP). Top-right search box finds parts even if you only have small snippet of name or part #. If you still can't find your electronic parts, try by other name and part # variations. If you still can't find electronic parts then search our other likely webpages, see SITEMAP for links. Your efforts might save you money as some electronic parts / electrical parts are now either unavailable or rare and costly - if you can find more common electronic part equivalents and/or buy in quantity, savings of 90+% per part are possible. For integrated circuits, the main specs to look for is the part # which may follow prefix letters and the part's specifications from the electronic part's datasheet. For example, a CMOS CD40xxB IC can virtually always be replaced by a MC140xxB, HEF40xxB, HCF40xxB, SGS40xxB, TC40xxB and others, as well as Milspec, ECG, NTE and other electronic parts equivalents, and vice-versa, and sometimes by an equivalent CD40yyB, CD45yyB, CD40xxUB, CD40yyUB and their equivalents. Similar with TTL 74aaxx ICs and many other electronic parts. There are 10,000s of different transistor #s, and you can almost always substitute transistors with different part #s as long as the important specs of the substitute transistor are as good or better than the replaced transistors.
ITEM SPECIFICATIONS - DATASHEETS & CIRCUIT DESIGNS: For datasheets for integrated circuits, transistors, rectifiers, diodes, and most other electronic parts, we recommend the following great electronic parts database websites: Alldatasheet.com, Datasheet Archive, and DatasheetCatalog.com. Electronic design tutorials, electronic applications, specific circuit designs and even patent data can be found using Google, Yahoo, MSN, etc., as well as many books filled with electronic parts datasheets and circuit designs. While we have tried to be 100% accurate in our descriptions, please freely let us know any errors or omissions made herein, preferably by providing us a pdf URL for the specific Item either from the manufacturer or from an Online datasheet database, such as, Alldatasheet.com, Datasheet Archive, Datasheet Catalog.com.
ITEM CONDITIONS: Unless otherwise indicated, all items described on this webpage are new old stock (NOS) and never used. We often buy and trade for new electronic parts, electronic test equipment, and other items of the types described herein, preferably in larger quantities, some which we set aside for our own electronic laboratory, shop and other inventories and some we resell herein. Should you have items to sell or trade of these types, please let us know via email. All small parts and materials we acquire for resale herein must be new, but we often buy and trade for used large parts, tools, equipment and books in very good conditions, which we describe as "used" for those we resell. Please email us (please don't call as we are often in our labs), use email Subject: "Buy/Sell/Trade Inquiry."
DESCRIPTIONS & IMAGES: Unlike many Online stores, our goal is to always provide you clear and correct item images, and accurate and reasonably complete item descriptions. While we have tried to be 100% accurate in our descriptions and images, please freely let us know of any errors or omissions made herein, for example, by emailing us URLs to relevant datasheets. While images usually help, most of the items we sell are already well known. If any of our descriptions or images are missing, incomplete or inaccurate and this affects your purchase decision, please email us (please don't phone; put "Need Better Info for Item" in email Subject Line) so we can make reasonable corrections. Many of our images of electrical and electronic hardware do not show all of the leads or cabling which the actual items have so that we can provide bigger and clearer images of the body of the items to better show part numbers, labeling, features and cosmetic conditions.
POLICIES: Unless explicitly stated otherwise on this webpage, all applicable Techzonics organization policies are found at: www.consumertronics.net/policies.htm.
accept checks, money orders, PayPal (PP), Money Transfer Service (MTS) payment, trade and cash. Simply email us (wizguru)
a list of what you want (Title, name or part # of each choice), include the
prices with S/H, and your name, shipping address and preferred payment method,
or use one of our Consumertronics Online Order Forms. We ship within
2 work days after full payment clearance period from day of deposit. All payments
must be made in $US. Details below:
(1) FASTEST SHIPPING: U.S. Postal Money Order
(PMO), Canadian PMO (made out in $US), PP, MTS and cash are considered to
be same-as-cash by us - clearance period is zero days. Note: We are not
responsible for cash sent in the mails, so conceal well.
(2) MOs & CHECKS DETAILS: Pay to: "Consumertronics".
ALL NON-PMO MOs & CHECKS : Clearance period: 10+ days if $20-$100,
20+ days if $101-$250, 30+ days if over $250.
(3) MONEY TRANFER SERVICES (MTS) DETAILS: Pay to: "John Williams" (due to fact that using MTS to pay to a business
name is usually a major hassle). All MTS payments over $500 require prior written
approval by us. While almost all MTS arrive here within an hour, a few may take 1-3 days.
(4) PAYPAL (PP) DETAILS: Before paying us by PP, email us with your order details and for our prior approval. Should we verify that your amount is correct and approve PP for you, go to PP. Do a PP "Send Money" to:
"wizguru@consumertronics.net". PP over $50 require prior, explicit,
written approval by us via email, and PP payers must be Verified PP users, which
transaction PP must provide Seller Protection. For both verifiable and repeat
Buyers, ABQ Techzonics may greatly increase the PP limit, in which case,
it emails to Buyer his/her new PP level.
(5) ITEMS FOR TRADE DETAILS: Who doesn't want
to save cash these days! We do accept Items of Trade. By doing Items For Trade,
you save money and get rid of good Item(s) you need less than Items we offer.
Prior explicit permission from us is required before you ship to us any Item
for trade. If interested, email us (wizguru,
put in email Subject Line: "Item for Trade Inquiry.") with full details
of what you have to offer and what you want for it (you must have sole and exclusive
ownership of all Items you offer to us for trade). Include complete description
of all Item(s), including Item make and model/part numbers, conditions, quantities,
defects. Please do NOT phone us about Items of trade. If interested we will
email you back with conditional acceptance or a counteroffer. If mutual acceptance
results, we will then email you our permission to ship the Items, which you
do at your S/H expense. Once your trade Items arrive here, we will examine them,
which usually takes 3-20 days. If acceptable to us, we will ship (at our S/H
expense within 2 work days) what we had agree to trade to you. Note: We do not
want old TVs,VCRs, home systems, computers, monitors or peripherals or big,
heavy items, and all items must be clean and safe to ship and handle. Again,
don't ship us anything until you receive our written explicit approval to do
(6) PAY EXACT FULL AMOUNT: Please pay the exact
full amount of your purchase + S/H (email us if you are not sure). If you overpay
us by more than 5% or $100 (whichever is less), allow 90-120 days for us to
refund you the difference.
(7) UNACCEPTABLE PAYMENT TYPES: No credit cards, debit cards,
CODs, partial payments, postdated payments, "on approvals", direct bank transfers, gift cards, foreign currency, bitcoins (or any other form of virtual money), or any other types of payments or shipment not explicitly OKed herein or by us in writing
prior to payment. Furthermore, we reserve the right to refuse any order, form
of payment, or buyer-imposed sale or shipping conditions without liability to
us. For our good buyers: We are more flexible in types of payments and shipping
conditions. FOREIGN BUYERS: Some items may be restricted by government
regulations for export, and Buyers assume all liability for the legality of
our shipments to them and their purchases, possessions and uses of the items
we ship to them.
NOTE: Prior to Paying for Your Order, be sure to first check and verify by email our stated availabilities, costs, and S/H. Due to a recently past staff shortage over last few years, we are trying to catch up. Availabilities: About 95% of Items listed as available are still available. Prices: About 50% of Items have changed prices, both up and down, depends on the Item. S/H: Increase all stated S/Hs by 25% (blame the shippers). Taxes: New Mexico and some other States, Counties and Cities (but not all) now levy an Online sales tax, which if due, we must collect (blame the politicians). Also, do not pay by PayPal without our prior, explicit and written OK (due to hacking attempts on our PP account; if we need to refund a PP payment for any reason, we charge the Buyer a 10% fee).
PRICING: We are flexible in our prices and S/H - especially for our good customers and for quantity and multi-item orders - we want to be fair to both you and us. Prices are stated below Item Description. We determined Item price based on prices of similar items found Online and in stores. In cases of no clear Online or store price consensus, other sources were used. If our price is too high for any item we sell, we will seriously consider reducing our price - especially if you document that others are selling this same or equivalent item at lower prices in the quantity you need - our goal is to beat our competitors! For many items, we are not limited to the quantities shown - should you need more and we have what you need available, we will seriously consider your offer. By buying an item in quantity and/or more than one item, you much reduce your S/H costs per unit. In most cases we can also do less quantity if your total order is $10+ (+S/H) and average price of your items is $5+ each. Just email us with your needs, your counter-offers, and/or items you want to trade.
SPECIAL DISCOUNTS: Until ___________, 20___, you may take _______% off of the price of any and all Items described on this webpage in which the word "Firm" does not appear next to the price.
SPECIAL QUANTITY DEALS SAVES YOU MONEY: Larger quantity (and multiple Item and local pickup and delivery) sales almost always result in per-unit $Item-plus-S/H savings for YOU! We have some Items in much larger quantities than offered above as usually stated in Item description. Yes, if we have the quantity to meet your higher quantity needs, we will seriously consider any reasonable and mutually fair offer you propose which will not only get you the quantity you need but at a substantial savings to you in per unit price and per unit S/H costs (quantity evenly divisible by 10 or 25). We will seriously consider underselling all other major sellers of the same items.
SHIPPING & HANDLING & COMBINED CHARGES: Where S/H is stated, it is stated for CONTINENTAL USA ORDERS. Shipping part of S/H is based on actual Shipping charges. For multiple Items shipped to you in the same package, we will COMBINE S/H CHARGES to save YOU money! So buy all of the Items you need from us now. Where S/H is not stated, the following S/H charges apply (NOTE: All purchases over $1,000, while prepaid, are available for pickup only, proper ID is required, and receiver must sign a receipt for all Items):
CONTINENTAL USA ORDERS: 1 - 24 ICs: $5.90 (2) 25-99 ICs: $7.90. (3) 100 - 249 ICs: $13.90. (4) 250 - 100,000 ICs: Please inquire for Special S/H Deal.
NON-CONTINENTAL USA ORDERS: 1-249 ICs: S/H is 1.5 times Continental USA S/H above.
FOREIGN ORDERS: Please inquire. Minimum foreign Air Mail S/H is $9.90 Canada, and $17.90 all other foreign addresses, so please order as much as you can to save substantial foreign S/H.
MULTIPLE ITEMS SAVE YOU MUCH S/H CHARGES!: We are your perfect one-stop-shopping Super Store for high-tech parts to fill your parts lists! S/H is now expensive and shippers are constantly increasing their rates; to save YOU much in S/H, please order all that you need from us today from this webpage and all of our other webpages, pay for them all in full in one payment to be shipped all together to same address. ALL USA & CANADA ORDERS: You pay full S/H for your most S/H-costly Item plus half S/H for each and every other Item you buy. ALL OTHER FOREIGN ORDERS: Please inquire.
SHIPPING METHOD: For USA, we usually use Priority Mail or Media Mail (if book or manual) if Shipping charge is less than 75% of the S/H stated above. All foreign Shipping is by Air Mail. Other forms of USA shipping, including UPS, FedEx, Overnight, Second Day Air, Insured, etc. are usually OK but the S/H will be higher. We will not charge shipping to Buyer's shipper account.
ANTISTATIC PACKAGING: All Items which are electrostatically sensitive (e.g. CMOS, FET, MOSFET or otherwise known to be static electricity sensitive) are shipped in antistatic tubes, antistatic foam, antistatic reel tape, antistatic tray, and/or antistatic tube.
LOCAL PICKUP / DELIVERY OPTIONS: To possibly save YOU much S/H money, see: Local Pick-Up-and-Delivery Options.
Thanks for visiting our ABQ Techzonics website. Best of successes. John Williams, M.S.E.E., Consumertronics.net
(10 each of 5 different ICs from those listed below)
New Old Stock (NOS), high-quality LM-series, LF-series, NE-series, CA-series, TL-series, ICL-series, ICM-series, LT-series, etc. We have been collecting and using semiconductors - particularly Linear ICs (and CMOS ICs - see this webpage) - for decades, and now have a huge collection of ICs (about 1,000,000 ICs and expanding) which includes many popular Linear ICs (as well as a huge number of CMOS, memories, interfaces, CPUs, TTLs, etc.). We Sell, Buy and Trade Linear/Analog ICs, some in large quantities. These Linear ICs are perfect electronic parts for your wondrous and exciting Linear applications, Linear circuits, Linear designs, Linear electronic projects, Linear devices, Linear hardware, and the Linear products you make, use, repair, modify and sell. Same for the linear parts of all of your Hybrid circuits, and some even very useful for your Digital circuits (e.g. LM 317, LM 7805, LT 1308, LM 7815, LM 555, LM 556)!
This sale consists of 50 Linear ICs of which there are 10 each of 5 different Linear part numbers (50 total ICs). Should you need more or less than 50, please email us and we will do a Buy It Now sale for you as we have numerous Linear parts (as well as much other electronics, such as CMOS, interface, TTL, CPU and memory ICs, and transistors, diodes, capacitors, inductors, connectors, switches, displays, transducers, wire, cables, etc.) Note that for this Item, we select all of the Linear part numbers on a random basis - by our policy, the Buyer is NOT permitted to select individual parts from a list such as this - so we cannot honor any list of specific parts you want to buy from this particular offer. However, if you prefer DIP/DIL package over SMT/SMD package - or vice-versa - please let us know and we will try to limit my selection to your preferred package type (ICs are 8-pin, 14-pin, 16-pin DIP/DIL or SMT/SMD for opamps, comparators and multivibrators and TO220 for most voltage regulators). Also, if you have purchased this Item from us within the last 60 days and you would prefer a different mix of ICs for this purchase, please let us know and provide us your prior purchase of this Item, and we will do my best to make them totally or at least substantially different than your past Item purchase(s). If you must have a certain part number or larger quantity than 10 for each part number, we have many of these ICs listed in this webpage (sometimes on Auction), and you should purchase them directly from this webpage or Auction. The ICs we will randomly select for you as part of this Item are from those listed below as AVAILABLE ANALOG ICs / LINEAR ICs. As we buy, trade and sell ICs on a constant basis, and use quite a bit of parts for my own uses, the list below will change from time to time with more Analog ICs added as we obtain quantity of them and some removed as we sell off all my surplus for them. Please buy this Item now as we cannot guarantee later availabilities for any IC on this list. Note that we are offering similar sales of my huge selections of CMOS parts (CD4000 series) on this website.
To find particular Linear ICs you require, please refer to our various topical Linear ICs webpages, see left column of our Home Page as there are several different major categories of Linear ICs we sell: Techzonics Home Page.
¤ CA3054 (H CA3054, etc.) - High-Speed Operational Amplifiers (120 MHz Opamps)BUYER: Order by Title (below image) - Email us your order. - List History: LD061, LR101-S01. - Price: $19.95
(10 each of 10 different ICs from those listed below)
New Old Stock (NOS), high-quality LM-series, LF-series, NE-series, CA-series, TL-series, ICL-series, ICM-series, LT-series, etc. We have been collecting and using semiconductors - particularly Linear ICs (and CMOS ICs - see this webpage) - for decades, and now have a huge collection of ICs (about 1,000,000 ICs and expanding) which includes many popular Linear ICs (as well as a huge number of CMOS, memories, interfaces, CPUs, TTLs, etc.). We Sell, Buy and Trade Linear/Analog ICs, some in large quantities. These Linear ICs are perfect electronic parts for your wondrous and exciting Linear applications, Linear circuits, Linear designs, Linear electronic projects, Linear devices, Linear hardware, and the Linear products you make, use, repair, modify and sell. Same for the linear parts of all of your Hybrid circuits, and some even very useful for your Digital circuits (e.g. LM 317, LM 7805, LT 1308, LM 7815, LM 555, LM 556)!
This sale consists of 100 Linear ICs of which there are 10 each of 10 different Linear part numbers (100 total ICs). Should you need more or less than 100, please email us and we will do a Buy It Now sale for you as we have numerous Linear parts (as well as much other electronics, such as CMOS, interface, TTL, CPU and memory ICs, and transistors, diodes, capacitors, inductors, connectors, switches, displays, transducers, wire, cables, etc.) Note that for this Item, we select all of the Linear part numbers on a random basis - by our policy, the Buyer is NOT permitted to select individual parts from a list such as this - so we cannot honor any list of specific parts you want to buy from this particular offer. However, if you prefer DIP/DIL package over SMT/SMD package - or vice-versa - please let us know and we will try to limit my selection to your preferred package type (ICs are 8-pin, 14-pin, 16-pin DIP/DIL or SMT/SMD for opamps, comparators and multivibrators and TO220 for most voltage regulators). Also, if you have purchased this Item from us within the last 60 days and you would prefer a different mix of ICs for this purchase, please let us know and provide us your prior purchase details of this Item, and we will do my best to make them totally or at least substantially different than your past Item purchase(s). If you must have a certain part number or larger quantity than 10 for each part number, we have many of these ICs listed in this webpage (sometimes on Auction), and you should purchase them directly from this webpage or Auction. The ICs we will randomly select for you as part of this Item are from those listed below as AVAILABLE ANALOG ICs / LINEAR ICs. As we buy, trade and sell ICs on a constant basis, and use quite a bit of parts for my own uses, the list below will change from time to time with more Analog ICs added as we obtain quantity of them and some removed as we sell off all my surplus for them. Please buy this Item now as we cannot guarantee later availabilities for any IC on this list. Note that we are offering similar sales of my huge selections of CMOS parts (CD4000 series) on this website.
¤ CA3054 (H CA3054, etc.) - High-Speed Operational Amplifiers (120 MHz Opamps)BUYER: Order by Title (below image) - Email us your order. - List History: LD061, LR096-S01, LR100-S01. - Price: $37.95. S/H: $9.90
NOTE: Small and unmixed lots of ICs of all types
LINEAR / ANALOG big & mixed lots => This Page
CMOS big & mixed lots => CMOS ICS Lots
TTL big & mixed lots => TTL ICS Lots
Miscellaneous big & mixed lots => Miscellaneous
ICs Lots
HIGH-TECH EXPERIENCED PROFESSIONALISM: Many "high-tech business" owners and their employees today are clearly woefully ignorant of the high technologies they sell (including some giant electronic parts houses!). ABQ Techzonics of Albuquerque, NM, USA, is owned by John Williams, M.S.E.E. Mr. Williams is a former Senior Electronics Design Engineer (Lockheed EMSCO); Professor of Computer Science (New Mexico State University (NMSU)); Electronics Weapons Design Engineer (U.S. Navy, U.S. Air Force); Health Physicist (National Institutes of Health (NIH)), etc. Williams is also currently President of Lone Star Consulting, Inc. and CEO of Consumertronics.net. While we don't know everything about everything tech (no one does), we have a high level of expertise. We sell a lot of electronic components / electrical components. Most of these electronic components / electrical components are small electronic parts / electrical parts, such as integrated circuits, optical devices, transistors, rectifiers, diodes, transformers, inductors, capacitors, resistors, displays, switches, relays, crystals, oscillators, transducers, sensors, prototyping, connectors, fuses, wire/cable, power components, etc., as well as some larger electronic parts / electrical parts and electronic test equipment, scientific equipment and industrial equipment / parts, electrical equipment / electronic equipment in general, tools, mounting hardware parts, and special materials. And we also buy and trade these types of items (Trade & Buy Offers). And unlike most electrical / electronic components sellers, many of the electrical / electronic component, etc. lots we buy we set aside some of the electrical / electronic parts, etc. for our own electronic projects and research. We sell those electrical / electronic parts, etc. we don't use. Our suppliers know that if their electrical / electronic parts, electronic test equipment, etc. aren't excellent, good chance we will discover it and they'll hear about it!
ABQ TECHZONICS (Albuquerque, NM) SELLS, BUYS & TRADES: ELECTRONIC COMPONENTS, ELECTRONIC PARTS, ELECTRICAL COMPONENTS: Integrated Circuits (ICs), Transistors, Diodes, Rectifiers, LEDs, Capacitors, Resistors, Potentiometers (Pots), Varistors, Inductors, Coils, Transformers, Speakers, Relays, Switches, Actuators, Fuses, Circuit Breakers, Thermistors, Crystals, Oscillators, Sensors, Transducers, Optoelectronics, Prototyping, Connectors, Headers, Sockets, Pins, Wires, Cables, Displays, Photo, Video, Laser, RF, Microwave, Electronic Modules, Power Adapters, Power Supplies, other Electronic Parts / Electronic Components / Electronic Subassemblies / Electronic Assemblies. EQUIPMENT, DEVICES: Electronic Test Equipment, Electrical Equipment, Computers, Peripherals, Electric Tools, Hand Tools, Mechanics Tools, Precision Tools, Tool Chests. MORE TECH STUFF: Commercial/Industrial/Scientific/Laboratory Valves, Fittings, Hardware Parts, Mechanical Parts, Supplies, Special Materials, Personal Security, Survival (Survivalists / Preppers), Radionics, Crafts, Hobbies, Strange & Unusual, Religious & Spiritual, Books, Manuals, Software, Collectibles.
SOURCES OF ITEMS ABQ TECHZONICS SELLS: Surplus, online auctions, hamfests, private sales, business moving sales, overstocks, job lots, wholesale lots, estate sales, garage sales, thrift shops, charity auctions, flea markets, hardware trades, abandoned storage, lost & found property sales, discontinued items, obsolete items, warehouse inventory updates, excess inventories, liquidations, business closures and out-of-business sales, foreclosure sales, bankruptcies, government auctions / government sales, new salvage sales, and other sources for integrated circuits (ICs), electronic parts / electronic components, hardware, special materials, etc., Albuquerque, NM area preferred but will buy from anywhere. ABQ Techzonics is both a wholesale sellers/wholesale traders/wholesale buyers and retail sellers/retail traders/retail buyers, largely depending on quantity.
IMAGE SPONSORED BY: Consumertronics Lone Star Consulting, Inc. ABQ Techzonics REPRINT POW-MIA IMAGE=> ON YOUR WEBSITE |
NOTE: By policy, we
never recommend for or against, approve or disapprove, sponsor, endorse, support,
guarantee, or take any responsibility for any of the content of any non-Consumertronics
webpage, website, advertisement, publication or other statement EVEN IF WE HAVE
PROVIDED A HOTLINK TO IT. And by policy, we never recommend for or against,
approve or disapprove, sponsor, endorse, support, guarantee, or assume any liability
or any other responsibility for any non-Consumertronics company, product or
IT OR INFORMED YOU ABOUT IT on a webpage, or by phone, email, USPS mail, or
by any other means of communications. Everything we sell is sold strictly for legal utility, educational and/or entertainment purposes only, and is based on our policies on our policies.htm webpage.
Test Source Links only (no visitor use): Source-1,
Source-2, Source-3,